Planning a birthday party? Whether this is for your own birthday or for a loved one, you will want to make it an unforgettable event with your nearest and dearest.

The type of party that you organise will depend on the individual and their age, but there are a few key elements to consider which should ensure that it is a fun occasion for everyone, most notably the person whose birthday it is.

It can be hard to know where to begin when planning a birthday party, so here is a quick guide to the perfect birthday bash for a memorable occasion.Hooray-Magical-Mermaid-Birthday-party-ideas_41

Guest List

The first step is to determine a guest list. You will want to send out invitations early so that as many people can come as possible. Once you have a rough idea of how many people are coming, you can think about the venue.


You will need to choose somewhere that is big enough for everyone and easy to find. If possible, it can be nice to have a birthday party at someone’s home as this can be more comfortable, and you do not have to pay costly fees to hire a venue. Once you have determined the venue, you can think about decorating it to make it look special for the person’s birthday.

Food & Drink

It is not a party without food and drinks, and this is an excellent way to bring people together and allow them to feel relaxed and comfortable. Buffets are particularly useful for encouraging people to mingle while you will want a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (you could also encourage people to bring their own).

Unique Activities

It is a good idea to have a few unique activities planned as these can break the ice and make the party memorable. One activity which is becoming increasingly popular at parties is vaping. It can be good fun, and there are all kinds of different flavours to try from places like


Music is an essential ingredient for any party. It is helpful to preselect what music you play at the party and to make a playlist and leave this on as otherwise, people will constantly be changing the music. Think about the type of music that the person whose birthday it is likes but try to avoid anything that is too abrasive or controversial.


There should also be a moment where the person whose birthday party it is has a cake presented to them with everyone singing. After all, this is an excellent way to mark the occasion and an important tradition!

These are the main elements to the perfect birthday bash no matter who the party is for. It is hard to go wrong when you bring their favourite people together in one space, but you will also want to think about how you can make it a special and unique occasion for everyone, but particularly the person whose birthday it is.