Looking for a simple, pared-back way to spread the festive cheer? A modern interpretation on the traditional circlet, this chic hand-painted and hand-braided wreath would be a beautiful addition to your celebratory décor or would make the perfect handmade gift.DIY-Make-BraidedChristmasWreath-05.jpg


30 mins + drying time


Ages 14+


10 metres of rope (5mm thick) | Scissors | Paintbrush | White paint | Sewing awl | Kitchen string | Fresh flowers


  1. Divide and cut the rope into nine even strands. Using kitchen string, tie it off on one end and braid it. Bend the rope into the shape of a horseshoe, and paint one side of your wreath white. Leave to dry (approximately two hours) and then paint the other side. Leave to dry overnight.
  2. OK! Now let’s start the fun stuff – decorating. Take the fresh flowers and clean them up a little bit. You want to be able to thread the stems though the gaps in the braid. Decorating the wreath is completely up to you – I opted to focus on a small portion of my wreath to give it a more relaxed, pared-back vibe.
  3. Using your awl, pierce the wreath to thread your flower stems through the wreath if needed. You may also wish to fasten your decorations using kitchen string. Don’t panic if you can see the string, it lends to the handmade element.


You’re finished! You may like to make a few final touches or attach more flowers but essentially, it’s complete. Hang this puppy on your front door, wall or place it on the Christmas table and have a very merry holiday!

Project + Photography Gemma Patford Legge