Add some sparkle to your Christmas tree with these DIY glitter unicorn ornaments by A Bubbly Life!

The amazingly talented Laurel has shared this super cute DIY with us all. Laurel says, ‘As a lover of all things sparkly, I insist on adding sparkle to my Christmas tree. Unicorns and glitter are an ideal combo, so let’s make some glitter unicorn ornaments!’

We’re huge fans of the creative folk behind A Bubbly Life and constantly lust over everything on their Instagram, BlogLovin, TwitterPinterest—check them out!Blog_Christmas_DIY_UnicornOrnaments_11


Plastic Unicorns | Eye Hooks | Drill | Mod Podge | Brush | Glitter | Clear Enamel Spray


1. Drill a tiny hole into the top of the unicorn.

2. Add eye hook.

3. Cover unicorn with mod podge and add glitter. We suggest you to do the front first, then back.

4. Let dry and spray with clear enamel. Clear enamel prevents the glitter from shedding everywhere and keeps the shine of the glitter!


Tie ribbon through eye hook hole and hang in tree!